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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Beasiswa pemerintah Italia 2008


The Government of Italy offers scholarships to Indonesian citizens
wishing to pursue their studies in Italy. The selection is held
annually by a Selection Committee consisting of competent authorities
and expert representing both Italy and Indonesia. This Scholarship
grants are distributed for students, professionals, teachers, and
artists who meet the necessary requirements for enrollment in any
Italian post-secondary institutions (universities, academies,
conservatories, art restoration institutes, National School of
Cinematography, research centers or laboratories, libraries, archives,
museums and other national or nationally-recogniz ed institutions) , and
who would like to attend specialization courses or to conduct research
in specific fields. For Italian language study, the scholarships are
awarded for specific programs which are held at the Universities for
Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Roma Tre or at the other recognized
institutions (which are authorized to issue certification of Italian
as a second language).

The short-term scholarships are distributed in the range period
between one to nine months and are reserved primarily for courses in
Italian language and culture. Applicants must possess a high school
diploma at the time they apply and must be 35 years of age or younger
(minimum maturity age is 18 years old for Indonesian citizen).

Italian language and culture courses of a one-month period are
reserved for Italian language teachers to whom no age limit applies,
and for 3rd year University students in the Italian Studies Department.

The long-term scholarships consist of a nine – to twelve-month period,
(depending on the length of the course) beginning in autumn. They are
awarded for specific research or specialized courses at public
post-secondary institutions in any area of study, except for medical
studies. All courses of study must be undertaken at the Government
approved educational institutions. Applicants for the long-term
scholarships interested in undergraduate research or study must
possess a high school diploma entitling the applicant to enroll in
university; for those wishing to study or conduct research at the
post-graduate level, the minimum requirement is a Master's degree.
Applicants must be 35 years of age or younger (minimum maturity age in
Indonesia is 18 years old).


Elements taken into consideration by the Selection Committee are:

- The applicant's curriculum studiorum and vitae.
- The applicant's proposed program of study (for post-graduate, master
courses and doctorate studies).
- The Reference letters from Indonesian or Italian academics (for
post-graduate, master courses and doctorate studies).
- The existence of direct contacts between the candidate and Italian
academics and/or institutes of higher learning in the candidate's
field of study (applies particularly to applicants for long-term
scholarships) .
- Knowledge of Italian is mandatory; unless the applicant is applying
for Italian language courses or applying for an independent study (in
this case the candidate must have a letter from a professor declaring
willing to follow the student in another language).

Scholarships offered by the Italian Government cover standard living
expenses such as boards and lodging expenses, Insurance( valid only in
Italian Territory ) , and do not include air fares (return)
Please note that scholarship recipients must make their own travel and
lodging arrangements.
Any partial or total exemption from university fees for scholarship
recipients is the decision of the individual university/ institution;
no exemptions are granted by private institutions.

Changes in the place of study or the starting date will not be
permitted once the scholarship has been awarded. Applicants must
therefore indicate the name of their chosen institution and the dates
of the chosen existing course/s clearly and exactly on their
application forms.


Please read carefully; incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- three copies of the application form (in MS Word Format n. 1), each
with original signature and each accompanied by a signed passport-size
When you win the scholarship, you are subsequently required to submit
the following documents as soon as possible:
- at least two original letters of reference from professors, teachers
and/or professional superiors (for post-graduate, master courses and
doctorate studies)
- Original (for authentication) and certified copies of the
applicant's high school diploma and/or university degree(s).
- Original and certified copy of High school transcript;
- Original and certified copy of University transcript, if applicable;
- Original (for authentication) proof of Indonesian citizenship:
copies of one of the following: passport, citizenship certificate or
birth certificate;

Certified copies will not be returned and original documents will be
returned upon completion the process of authentication and
authorization by the Italian Institute of Culture and the Embassy of


Applications postmarked after the deadline will not be accepted.

For more information click here:
http://www.iicjakar ta.esteri. it/IIC_Jakarta/ Menu/Opportunit% C3%A0/Borse_ di_studio/ Per_nome_ abitanti_ in_Italia/

Kategori: beasiswa s1, beasiswa s2, beasiswa s3, beasiswa sekolah, beasiswa kuliah, beasiswa master, beasiswa riset, beasiswa pemerintah, beasiswa depdiknas, beasiswa depag, beasiswa pemda, beasiswa dalam negeri, beasiswa luar negeri, beasiswa yayasan, bantuan dana kuliah, bantuan dana luar negeri, beasiswa nasional, beasiswa tsunami, beasiswa skripsi, beasiswa jepang, beasiswa amerika, beasiswa 2007-2008, beasiswa guru, beasiswa orang tak mampu, beasiswa internasional, beasiswa

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