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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Beasiswa Untuk Warga Indonesia: Russell E. Train Fellowship 2007-2008

Russell E. Train Fellowship Program - Guidelines for Sumatra and the Heart of Borneo 2007 - 2008 - Open
To be eligible to receive a Russell E. Train Fellowship, you must meet the following criteria:

1. You must be a citizen or legal permanent resident of Indonesia.
2. You must have at least two-year's work experience in conservation activities.
3. You must be enrolled, be admitted, or have applied to a graduate degree program (master's or PhD) at an institution of higher education by the application deadline AND you must plan to begin your studies no later than one year after the application deadline.
4. You must commit to working in conservation in Indonesia or a neighboring country in the region at least two yeras after the completion of your degree.
5. You must NOT have received a Russell E. Train Scholarship or Fellowship in the past. Those who have received EFN Professional Development Grants may apply for a Train Fellowship.
6. You must NOT be a full time employee of WWF. Consultans may apply.
7. Your field of study must pertain to one of the following:
> A natural science discipline relevant to sustainable natural resource management, ecosystem services or biodiversity conservation in the Heart of Borneo or Sumatra priority regions
> A social science discipline relevant to sustainable resource management, sustainable economic development or community-based participation in the Heart of Borneo or Sumatra priority regions
> Business planning, environmental economics and/or policy, or public-private partnerships that promote sustainable natural resource management or biodiversity conservation in the Herat of Borneo or Sumatra priority regions
> Endangered species protection: tigers, elephants, rhinos, or orangutans enforcement, and management in the Heart of Borneo or Sumatra priority regions

To request an application or if you have any questions about the Russell E. Train Fellowship program, please contact us at 021-8317330 or by email at scholarship@ or

The application deadline for Russell E. Train Fellowship Program is
February 28, 2007

All applications must be postmarked by this date. Applications sent after this date will not be considered. Please send your completed application to:

Education for Nature
IIEF - The Indonesian International Education Foundation
Menara Imperium, 28th Floor, Suite B
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980, Indonesia
Tel. (021) 8317330; Fax. (021) 8317331; Website:

Kategori: beasiswa s1, beasiswa s2, beasiswa s3, beasiswa sekolah, beasiswa kuliah, beasiswa master, beasiswa riset, beasiswa pemerintah, beasiswa depdiknas, beasiswa depag, beasiswa pemda, beasiswa dalam negeri, beasiswa luar negeri, beasiswa yayasan, bantuan dana kuliah, bantuan dana luar negeri, beasiswa nasional, beaiswa tsunami, beasiswa skripsi, beasiswa jepang, beasiswa amerika, beasiswa 2006-2007, beasiswa guru, beasiswa orang tak mampu, beasiswa internasional, beasiswa Ph.D, beasiswa doktor, beasiswa universitas

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