, pub-2289051925499831, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Beasiswa S1 - Undergraduate Scholarships: Program Beasiswa S1,S2 dan S3 (Ph.D) AWI: AWI Scholarship Program - Wool Production

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Program Beasiswa S1,S2 dan S3 (Ph.D) AWI: AWI Scholarship Program - Wool Production

AWI Scholarship Program - Wool Production

AWI has established a Scholarship Program to support students and researchers in their efforts to develop skills relevant to the future of the wool industry.Postgraduate applications for 2007 are now open and close 1 December 2006.Undergraduate applications for 2007 will open Febuary 2007.

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Kategori: beasiswa s1. dalam negri. luar negri. bantuan. dana. kuliah. universitas

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