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Friday, September 12, 2008

ISFiT 2009 - The International Student Festival in Trondheim

Dear fellow students,
Do you want to change the world for the better? Do you want to share your opinions with other students from around the world? Are you ready for a challenge and an experience which you`ll never forget? Then apply for ISFiT 2009!

We would like to remind all students who want to participate in ISFiT 2009, that the deadline for submitting the application is the 30th of September 2008. You can apply by using the on-line application form on our website

ISFiT - The International Student Festival in Trondheim, Norway, is the world`s largest student festival with a thematic focus. Every second year around 450 students from all over the world attend the festival. The next ISFiT will be arranged from 20 February to 1 March 2009. The main topic this time is peacebuilding.

All students who are above 18 years of age and a student at the time of the festival, are welcome to apply.

For more information about the festival and how to apply, visit our webpage at Questions regarding the application can be sent to

We`re looking forward to receiving your application!

Best regards,
ISFiT 2009

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