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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Beasiswa S1 Luar Negeri (UK) 2007: International Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students at The University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham has a long tradition of welcominginternational students from around the world. As a leadingresearch-led institution, the University attracts studentsof the highest calibre and is pleased to offer a range ofscholarships to reward outstanding academic achievement.

International undergraduate scholarships for international studentsThe University is pleased to announce that it will be offering the following undergraduate scholarshipsfor students commencing their studies at the University of Birmingham in 2007. There will be up to twoscholarships per country/region listed below and each award is worth £3,000 per annum (for up tothree years of study) towards the cost of tuition fees and is offered to a student who is a national of the following countries/region:

Canada (Canadian Chapter)
East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda)
Hong Kong
Sri Lanka/Maldives

International Baccalaureate Scholarship
Two scholarships worth £3,000 per annum (for up to three years of study) will be offered to twostudents of any nationality who holds an International Baccalaureate Diploma. Applicants must beclassified as ‘overseas’ for fees purposes.2007 entry

In order to be eligible for consideration,candidates must:

be classified as ‘overseas’ for fees purposes
have applied through UCAS for a placeto study at the University of Birminghamby 30 April 2007
obtain an offer of a place to studyat the University of Birmingham andselect Birminghamas their firm choice through UCAS
complete and submit a ScholarshipApplication Form by the closing deadlineof 31 May 2007

Scholarships will be awarded on academicexcellence by a selection panel on the basisof the information provided on the ScholarshipApplication Form and UCAS form. Successfulcandidates will be informed in writing by30 June 2007.

Please Note:

Awards are offered for 2007 entry and cannot be deferred.
Once awarded, scholarships will be renewed each year forup to three years, providing the students progress directlyto the next year of their programme of study.
Scholarship awards will be deducted from the tuitionfees payable to the University.
By submitting an application, candidates agree to theirname being publicised as a scholarship winner.
In order to be eligible for an award students must not bein receipt of a full fee scholarship from any other source.
Candidates must meet the conditions of any other offer.
The scholarship panel’s decision is final.

Some schools and departments also offertheir own partial scholarships, for which youmay be eligible to apply. Please log ontothe website for the department you areapplying to for current details of awardsoffered.

For details of other internationalscholarships offered by the University ofBirmingham, please visit our web site.

Eligibility and application procedures

Learn more
For further information and anapplication form, please contact:

Linda Davis, Student Funding Office,
The Academic Office,
University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 121 414 7391
Fax: +44 (0) 121 414 6637

For more information, please see the flyer.


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