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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Beasiswa S1 Luar Negeri: Loughborough University International Scholarships 2007

Over 100 scholarships will be available for entry in 2007 to new self-financing full-time students eligible to pay international fees.

These scholarships will be to the value of 25% of the programme tuition fee and that value will be credited to the student’s tuition fee account.

The Loughborough University International Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and potential. Each scholarship will cover each year of undergraduate study, provided the student progresses satisfactorily through the programme.

Application Process for Undergraduate applicants
All international undergraduate applicants will automatically be considered for a Loughborough University International Scholarship.

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and potential.

Normally students will be advised if they are being awarded a scholarship with their offer of a place, though in some circumstances the scholarship offer may be sent later.

Any award made to an applicant holding a conditional offer will be subject to the conditions being met in full.

There is no separate scholarship application process.

Selection criteria: What is outstanding academic achievement and potential?
Different courses will have varying criteria for awarding Scholarships, however, in general students will be expected to have achieved, or be predicted to achieve the equivalent of AAA or AAB in three full A-levels. Students other international qualifications will also be considered, and an equivalent level of achievement will be required.

Deferring your place
If an applicant finds it necessary to defer his or her application to the next academic year, then the scholarship award will not automatically be deferred. In this situation the applicant should contact the International Office who will confirm whether the scholarship will be available the following year.

Further Information
For further details about these awards, please contact the International Office.

Kategori: beasiswa s1, beasiswa s2, beasiswa s3, beasiswa sekolah, beasiswa kuliah, beasiswa master, beasiswa riset, beasiswa pemerintah, beasiswa depdiknas, beasiswa depag, beasiswa pemda, beasiswa dalam negeri, beasiswa luar negeri, beasiswa yayasan, bantuan dana kuliah, bantuan dana luar negeri, beasiswa nasional, beaiswa tsunami, beasiswa skripsi, beasiswa jepang, beasiswa amerika, beasiswa 2006-2007, beasiswa guru, beasiswa orang tak mampu, beasiswa internasional, beasiswa Ph.D, beasiswa doktor, beasiswa universitas

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