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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Beasiswa S1 Luar Negeri 2007: Undergraduate Scholarships of University of Sheffield

Undergraduate Scholarships 2007
We are pleased to extend our scholarships for international students of high academic standing commencing their studies at the University of Sheffield in September 2007.

Faculty Undergraduate Scholarships 2007
We are pleased to offer scholarships to all international students commencing their studies in the Faculties of Engineering, Pure Science and Law in September 2007:

Engineering International Scholarships 2007

Pure Science International Scholarships 2007

Law International Scholarships 2007

Undergraduate International Scholarships 2007
In addition to the scholarships listed above the University of Sheffield also offers scholarships for students commencing any undergraduate course at the University of Sheffield in September 2007.

These scholarships take the form of a tuition fee reduction and are allocated according to nationality or domicile and are awarded on the basis of academic merit.

Please look at the information provided for students from your own country to see the Undergraduate International Scholarships 2007 that may be available to you.

Choose your country from the list on this page

Other Undergraduate Scholarships
International Baccalaureate

Two scholarships are available for International Baccalaureate Diploma holders starting their undergraduate studies in September 2007.

Each scholarship is worth 50% of your undergraduate course tuition fee per year, for up to three years of study.

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must be studying for or holding the International Baccalaureate Diploma, apply for an undergraduate study place by 08 June 2007 and hold an offer of a study place for entry in September 2007.

Eligible students will be sent an application form automatically from February 2007 onwards.

Applicants cannot apply for the scholarship before being offered a study place at Sheffield.

The scholarships will be awarded unconditionally in the first year of studies. Award in subsequent years of study is subject to the achievement of 60% overall average mark.



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